
So, my sister Heather has been bugging me to update my blog so here i am. Brad had yesterday off so we packed up the kids and went to the pumpkin patch. The girls had so much fun picking pumpkins and playing in the dirt. Alyssa did a lot of following her daddy, and was quite distressed that there were so many pumpkins that were broken. Eleny however was constantly picking up the smallest pumpkins she could find saying "I want this one" as she put it in the cart. We eventually had to banish her from picking up anymore pumpkins. We still ended up with about 8 tiny pumpkins that can't be carved. When we got home (after naps) we set to the task of carving the pumpkins, Alyssa had a blast emptying the guts out of hers but when it came to the carving wanted nothing to do with it. Eleny on the other had wanted nothing to do with the de-gutting but carved practically her whole pumpking by herself! When i get the pictures I'll put them on here. Isabella contented herself with putting herself in daddy's lap so he couldn't do much with his pumpkin. (Hilarious!) anyway it was great fun! After it got too cold to continue outside we were up to the table when isabella decided to help daddy with his pumpkin, she sneeked a carving knife and stabbed his pumpkin a couple of times before we took it away.
I'm so excited for halloween! mostly because the kids are so excited and because then its time to get ready for thanksgiving then christmas, and i am so ready for christmas! not necessarily the whole run around trying to get everything we need but the music and the smells and the snow and the whole shebang!